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The individual experiences of our delegates:



PragueMUN was our first home-based conference, which was held at University of Economics. It was a new experience and certainly a great pleasure for me to represent France in NATO. I liked the way the secretariat tried to interconnect all the committees through crisis. It was fun to deal with UN Security Council who dropped a hydrogen bomb over Cyprus, have an emergency meeting with our countries from International Atomic Energy Agency, trying to track Pakistani cyberattacks, see the delegation of South Africa from Human Right Council transforming into Pikachu and excessively dr…ahem…negotiating with people from all over the world. Surprisingly, there were a lot of delegations from France: so many of them that some of the delegates of NATO were proposing to change the official language of the conference from English to French grin emoticon The organization was great: suitable location, traditional Czech dinner, beer wars, treasure hunt, amazing hotel close to the university, tasty lunch, committee evening, fabulous reception at Louvre and wonderful people!



It was a great pleasure to attend PragueMun for the first time. I really enjoyed the atmosphere, the sessions, and getting a chance to meet new people. I made a lot of friends, had tons of fun and learned so much even more about myself. At the beginning I thought it’s all about the certificate I will receive but I was totally wrong. Conferences offer great experiences, great memories and great friends. This is not the end of it, it’s just the beginning! I’m impatiently looking forward to attending my next MUN.​



In PragueMUN 2016, I represented the delegate of Saudi Arabia in UN Women. Our topics were women in decision-making and the burden of poverty on women. Once I was assigned my country I knew it would be a challenge. Saudi Arabia is often portrayed as controversial, particularly when judging its attitude towards women’s rights. It was also difficult to go against to my own believes and my mindset. As I read more about my country I was able to construct logical and plausible solutions to our topics of discussion and fit a more traditional society. I enjoyed trying to implement policies that were in opposition to Western countries and improved my skills as a delegate. Apart from the academic part of MUN, I’ve met a lot of inspirational people, made new friendships and strengthen our relationship with our fellow MUNYP members.


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